Berdiri: Tahun 2009
Pemilik: Mira Paramitha Putri
Jumlah Pegawai: 8 Orang
Ruko Gedong Prima No.2
Jl. SawanganRT.09 / RW.02 MAMPANG
Kec. Pancoran Mas - DEPOK
(Seberang Polsek Pancoran Mas)
Ruko Gedong Prima No.2
Jl. SawanganRT.09 / RW.02 MAMPANG
Kec. Pancoran Mas - DEPOK
(Seberang Polsek Pancoran Mas)
Menjual secara Eceran dan Grosir:
Mira Paramitha Putri (Owner)
Ariani Satriavi ( Sales Representative)
Anggraini Sri Rahayu (Packing Division)
Siwi Wulandari (Sales Representative & Packing)
Company Profile
Kamarunik Online Shop adalah sebuah badan
usaha online dengan 4 tahun pengalaman transaksi yang didedikasikan untuk
pengembangan kualitas dan pelayanan agar semakin baik dari waktu ke waktu.
untuk menciptakan sebuah Online Shop yang lengkap dengan sistem One Stop Shopping, Kamarunik selalu
berusaha untuk mengimbangi dan memenuhi kebutuhan para pembeli.
Kami percaya
bahwa kekuatan dari kepuasan pembeli saat menerima barang yang mereka inginkan
dan membangun kepercayaan yang kuat dengan pembeli adalah kunci sukses yang
selalu kami pegang teguh.
Latar Belakang
Kamarunik Online
Shop berdiri dari tahun 2009, dimana pada waktu itu Kamarunik Online Shop
menjual produk kesenian Bali. Awalnya Kamarunik bergabung di Facebook dan
Kaskus, kemudian pada tahun 2010, Blog Kamarunik released.
Di tahun
2010, perlahan-lahan produk yang ditawarkan mulai berbeda. Kamarunik tidak lagi
menjual produk kesenian Bali, namun mulai memasarkan tas, jaket, dan sepatu
buatan lokal.
Sampai saat
ini, variasi produk terus meningkat dan jangkauan pengiriman barang makin
meluas. Kamarunik juga dipercaya untuk menjadi supplier di sesama Online Shop lain, juga toko-toko di Bali,
Jakarta, Samarinda, Bandung, Jayapura, dan daerah lainnya.
Mengutamakan kualitas dan tanggung jawab.
selalu ingin menyajikan produk yang berkualitas baik, tidak cacat dan rusak
pada saat diterima oleh pembeli. Dan Kamarunik bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap
kerusakan produk ketika sampai di tangan pembeli.
mempercayakan jasa pengiriman barang JNE untuk mengantarkan produk ke tempat
tujuan. Segala masalah yang mungkin terjadi pada saat pengiriman akan
diusahakan penuh agar status barang dapat diketahui dan barang sampai di tujuan
dengan segera.
Variasi Produk
menjual berbagai macam produk dengan kategori sebagai berikut:
1. Korek Gas
dan Kotak Rokok
2. Jaket
3. Perlengkapan
(laser pointer, alat serbaguna, kompas, kaca pembesar, senter, price labeller, dll)
4. Aksesoris
Sepeda (bel sepeda, lampu sepeda, bracket sepeda)
5. Teropong (riflescope, monting, dan teropong)
6. Alat-alat self defense (stun gun, pisau, pentungan,
borgol, pepper spray, kapak, knuckle)
7. Jam (jam
meja digital, jam weker, dan jam dinding)
8. Barang Unik
(celengan, lampu tidur, speaker, headset, toy
camera, mainan, mug, dll)
9. Shisha (bong,
tembakau, arang), Cangklong, dan Asbak.
KAMARUNIK Online Shop Wholesale and Retail selling items such as:
Gas lighter, rifle scopes, knives, folding knives, axes, stun gun,
pepperspray, hookah shisha, LED flashlight, etc..
Find unique items here with low price and good quality.
1. The price listed does not include postage. postage paid by
2. Items will be shipped when the transfer payment is made.
3. Items that have been purchased can not be exchanged again,
unless damaged in shipping or omissions of quality control
4. Items will be shipped every working day Mon-Sat
For information and reservations please contact to:
021-9420-1678 (call)
0819-0881-7010 (text/SMS)
BlackBerry pin: 2A367006
JL. Wadas RAYA 10A - Pancoran MAS - DEPOK - WEST JAVA
Post code. 16431
For more info please visit:
Kamarunik Online Shop is a business enterprise online transaction
with 4 years of experience dedicated to the development of quality and service
to be getting better over time.
Desired to create an online shop complete with a system of One
Stop Shopping, Kamarunik always trying to keep up and meet the needs of the
We believe that the strength of the satisfaction of the buyer to
receive the goods they want and build strong trust with buyers is key to the
success that we have always held.
Kamarunik Online Shop started at 2009, which at that time
Kamarunik Online Shop was selling Balinese arts. Originally Kamarunik join
Facebook and Kaskus, later in 2010, Kamarunik Blog was released.
In 2010, we slowly began to offer different products. Kamarunik no
longer selling Balinese arts, but began marketed bags, jackets, and locally
made shoes.
Until now, we still increasing product variety and range of
shipping goods expanded. Kamarunik also believed to be a supplier on the other
fellow Online Shop, as well as shops in Bali, Jakarta, Samarinda, Bandung,
Jayapura, and other areas in Indonesia.
The quality and responsibility.
Kamarunik always want to present a good quality product, not
defective or damaged upon receipt by the buyer. And Kamarunik fully responsible
for product damage when it arrived at buyer's hand.
Kamarunik entrust JNE delivery service to deliver the product to
the destination in the country, and UPS for overseas destinations. Any problems
that may occur at the time of delivery will be attempted in order to know the
status of the goods and the goods arrive at the destination immediately.
Product Variations
Kamarunik sell a wide range of products of the following
1. Cigarette lighters Gas and Boxes
2. Jacket
3. Equipment (laser pointer, a versatile tool, compass, magnifying
glass, flashlight, price labeller, etc.)
4. Bicycle Accessories (bike bell, bicycle lights, bicycle
5. Binoculars (riflescope, monting, and binoculars)
6. Self defense tools (stun gun, knives, batons, handcuffs, pepper
spray, axe, knuckle)
7. Clock (digital clock, alarm clock, and wall clocks)
8. Unique Items (piggy bank, projection lamp, speaker, toy camera,
toys, mugs, etc.)
9. Shisha (bong/hookah, shisha tobacco (Al fakher), charcoal),
pipe and ashtray.